Romantic Flair Original

Welcome to my Online Shop and it is such a pleasure to have you here......
As you browse through my store you will find
- gorgeous selected boutique products that I especially source out for my discerning customers
- I also offer a range of uniquely created products and personalise to your needs
I am continuously adding new products that you will
- treasure for many years to come
- or to give to someone dear to you
This has been a dream of mine since I was very young, I have always liked
- good quality products
- unique items
- creating & designing
About me personally
- very Creative
- artistic ~ able to work with a variety of different materials which you see in my store
- have a flair of sourcing the right product
- source unique pieces of handcrafted jewellery by different artisians in glass, silver,wood & alliminum from all around the world
- specialize in Educational Resources (have worked with preschoolers for 25years)
- love to work with people in the field of Child Care, Kinder, Play Groups, Family Day Care and of course you Parents & Grandparents
- will introduce in my store only products that I truly believe in
- offer you a lifetime of experience
- finally I a Wife, a Mum and proudly a Grandma......
My Motto
- "I want my customers to be so satisfied & excited with their purchases and my service, that they cannot help but talk about it"
If you find the
- same product at a cheaper price I am happy to price match it, after all at the end of the day who would you like to work with other than someone who can give you GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE.....and that is a promise!
Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, or may be a drink while you are browsing my beautiful selected items in store.......!
- While you are doing so if you have a query, please press the Chat Button on the bottom right hand corner of your screen and if you see that I am on line, I should be around my studio, and can answer your query straightaway, or else contact us via email, or via mob: 0408371151.
Thank you again for stopping by,
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